Slalom Course Rules (ICF)
8.2.1 - The course may consist of natural and/or artificial obstacles.
8.2.2 - The minimum length for a course is 150 m, the maximum length is 400 m measured from the start line to the finish line down the centre line of the course.
8.2.3 - A competition venue must include warm up and cool down areas for the athletes. These areas are open for all athletes that are competing and must not affect the start and finish area.
8.3.1 - The gates consist of two (2) suspended poles painted with green and white rings for downstream gates and red and white rings for upstream gates, with the bottom ring always white, each ring is 20 cm high.
8.3.2 - A black band of a minimum width of 2 cm and maximum width of 2.5 cm is placed around the base of each pole. 8.3.3 - The gate numbers will be displayed according to the CSLC template on the white ring, second from the bottom.
8.3.4 - Competition Logos and/or advertising agreed with the CSLC may be displayed on any of the rings above the bottom four (4) rings.
8.3.5 - The width of a gate is 1.2 meters minimum to 4.0 meters maximum measured between the inside edge of the poles.
8.3.6 - Poles must be round and 1.6 to 2 m long by 4.0 to 5.0 cm in diameter, and of sufficient weight that motion caused by wind is not excessive.
8.3.7 - The height of the poles above the water should be such that it provides fair and reasonable conditions for negotiation whilst simultaneously satisfying the aims of the Course Designers.
8.3.8 - As an indicator to the Course Designers and Chief Judge the pole height should be approximately 20 cm above the surface of the water and should not be set in motion by any surge of water.
8.3.9 - For ICF competitions (level 1 to 3), each pole must be individually adjustable from the bank.
8.3.10 - Gates must be numbered in the order of negotiation.
8.3.11 - The gate number panels must measure 20 cm x 20 cm (recommended) or 30 cm x 30 cm. The numbers must be inscribed on both sides of the panels using written in black on a yellow or white background. Each number and letter must measure 15 cm or 20 cm in height and 1.5 cm or 2 cm in thickness. On the side of the panel opposite the direction of correct negotiation, there is a diagonal red line from the bottom left to the top right.