Taranaki Whitewater Park
The tail race from Mangorei Power StationIs ashort run of whitewater. It is where Taranaki paddlers go when there is no water in the rivers and the power station is using water from lake Mangamahoe to generate power. Location
Over the years the club have developed the tail race creating eddies, waves and a play hole. This is a continuing process with the endeavor to constantly improve the quality of this bit of white water. The club have developed a relationship with Manawa Energy whereby WWT are maintaining and developing the white water features and also protecting the banks from erosion
Manawa provide water in the tailrace for the club nights (Thursdays) over the summer as long as there is water in the lake.
How to find out whether the water flow is suitable
To get flow rates contact the Manawa Tauranga control room. Their phone number is 0800 499 699. Ask for the flow in cumecs coming out of the Mangorei Power Station. They do not seem to mind providing this service for us. Note: The power station has access to a NIWA level gauge mounted on the concrete at the top end of the tailrace. This level has been calibrated to give the operator a flow readout in m3/sec (cumecs) . The NIWA gauge information is not available to the public and is available to Trustpower only.
The power station has 4 turbines. The 3 large turbines are 2m3/sec each. The small turbine is 1m3/sec. Therefore the maximum flow is 7m3/sec.
7 Cumecs approx great flow for advanced playboating moves, A retentive full on playhole.
6 Cumecs often preferred by advanced level kayakers as it allows easier boat control
5 Cumecs great flow for intermediate level kayakers practising spins
4 Cumecs great flow for beginners practicing edge control
You can get an idea of the flow from the Vickers Road gauge on the TRC website, but this will be 30-60 minutes behind what is actually happening, e.g. I have seen that the tailrace is running on this gauge and found that the flow has ceased when I get to the tail race.
Pictures courtesy of the Taranaki Daily News, Photographer - Andy Jackson
Party Hole